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Access to School Premises Policy

In order to provide a safe environment at school for all children, particularly those at risk from severe food allergies, the school has formalised a management plan.

The philosophy behind the plan is to minimise the risk of a severe allergic reaction. Notices have been sent home to families with children in classes with an Anaphylactic child requesting that food containing substances dangerous to the child (peanuts and nuts will cause the most severe reaction) not be sent to school in lunches or snacks. Please note we are not asking that these items are to be banned – we are requesting that people avoid bringing them to school where they are a danger to anaphylactic children. This applies not only to the junior grades, but across the whole school.
By reducing the presence of such foods in the school, we will be reducing the likelihood of the child coming into contact with them. By working together we can effectively manage such problems. If your child suffers from allergic reactions or has any other health concern, please inform the school.

Minimising the risk
Starting school is an exciting time for many families, but for some it can be particularly stressful, especially for those who have children with life-threatening allergies or anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is a generalised allergic reaction which often involves more than one body system (e.g. skin, respiratory, gastro-intestinal and cardiovascular).
Some students attending BSPS are seriously at risk of anaphylactic shock should they swallow a number of different types of food, but particularly peanuts, tree nuts, nut products or egg. Touching such products or even breathing in the fumes can cause a reaction, sometimes a mild to moderate one, but sometimes the reaction can be life-threatening.


Please click here for latest school documents


Please click here for latest school documents

Student attendance rolls are marked first thing each morning and after lunch.
Students who arrive late to school sign in  at the office using the Compass kiosk and collect a late pass. This pass is given to the teacher in the learning area.
Students who need to leave school before the official leaving time must be signed out at the office. The parent or guardian must take a leave pass from the office with them to the student’s classroom to hand to the teacher.
It is desirable that Parents/Carers notify the school by 9am by phone or school email of any student absences. Parents/Carers will be contacted for any unexplained absences.
If the absence is for a long period (ie. vacation) then advance notice in writing is required.


External resource material

TED-Ed Original Lesson: ‘The Benefits of the Bilingual Brain’ by Mia Nacamulli


Character Strengths underpin all our work with regards to student engagement and wellbeing. They give us a framework for conversations within our school community and ensure that a strengths based approach is used – even when overcoming obstacles.

For more information on this at BSPS see the links below.

Building Positive Lives

The Inside Story

The Science & Practice of Positive Psychology

Positive Psychology’s 27 Most Fascinating Facts

If you have concerns regarding your child’s behaviour, or the behaviour of another child towards your child, please contact a classroom teacher so that the matter can be dealt with as quickly as possible. Please note the parent class carers should NOT be contacted in any matters relating behaviour or concerns.


Compass is a web based system that allows families to monitor their child’s attendance and enter an explanation for absence or lateness. Each family is given an individual login provided by the school.  You can download the Compass App on iOS and Android devises. Search for ‘Compass School Manager’ in the app store. Alternatively, visit https://brunswicksouthps-vic.compass.education/


Our purpose is that Brunswick South students learn to take responsibility for their own behaviour and develop the necessary inter-personal and communication skills to function successfully and happily in the wider community as outlined in our School Vision, Mission, Beliefs and Values.

Behaviour expectations
Students should behave in a way that reflects the school values, moral fibre that guides our culture. Our Values are as follows.

Constant learning

  • Committed to learning from each other.
  • Seek to accomplish something worthy and purposeful.
  • Try hard and pursue excellence.

Mutual responsibility

  • Be accountable for one’s own actions.
  • Contribute to society and to civic life.
  • Support one another’s wellbeing, development and success.
  • Stand up for the rights of others.
  • Take care of the environment.


  • Be aware and inclusive of others and their cultures.
  • Treat all people fairly.

Sense of possibility

  • A deep belief in the potential of all learners.
  • Ensuring educational opportunities for all.
  • Students are expected to actively participate in all classroom activities in a positive way, and follow classroom protocols and procedures.
  • Students are required to be at school, and in classes, punctually.
  • Students are expected to move safely in the school buildings and playground without in a responsible, safe and orderly manners.
  • Respect the property of others and be responsible for their own property.
  • Students are expected to try to resolve differences with others in a sensible and reasonable manner, seeking staff assistance if unable to reach an acceptable solution.


All children at Brunswick South Primary are given the opportunity and are encouraged to be as active as possible. Please ensure that all clothing is suitable for school. Our school is ‘Sun Smart’ and students are expected to wear appropriate sunhats, wide brimmed or legionnaires, and apply sunscreen when outside during terms 1 and 4. Tank tops and dresses with only shoulder straps are not acceptable as the sunburn risk is too great. Wide-brimmed hats are available for sale from the office. Open toed shoes are not recommended.



Starting school  – This page contains information for families on how to enrol their child in a Victorian government school and outlines the timeframes for submitting Foundation (Prep) enrolment applications for the 2024 school year. Starting school page

The first step to enrolling your child at Brunswick South Primary School is to attend a school tour. Please book a tour via https://www.trybooking.com/CFWTH.

You can access an enrolment form here.

From time to time there will be class excursions, performers or presenters visiting the school. These direct experiences are a valuable aspect of school programs and curriculum. As these experiences are an integral part of your child’s education programs, we expect that all children will participate. Costing for these activities is reviewed and approved by School Council each year. To go on excursions, students are required to have the permission notice signed by you and returned to the school.

From time to time students will take part in supervised walking excursions in the local area. A local excursion form is signed on enrolment for these excursions within the local area.


It is important that your child attends school regularly, but if they are sick then home is the best place. The school is not equipped to look after sick children for an extended time, and the school is not permitted to supply drugs, medicines or ointments. If your child becomes ill during school, you, or the person nominated on the enrolment form will be contacted. Please ensure that this information is current and that the person nominated is available if needed.

First aid is given at school for small grazes, bumps and scratches. Contact is always made with home for anything considered more serious.

The majority of staff members are trained in First Aid and they supervise our First Aid room together with our office team, Principal and teachers. Staff undertake asthma, diabetes, anaphylaxis, First Aid and CPR training on a cyclical basis.

A phone call or email to the school or a signed note must be provided for all absences.

We have a policy of not sharing food.

See First Aid & Anaphylaxis Policies for more information.


The school has a homework policy that allows all children to have regular and appropriate homework. The definition of homework is broad, so if your child does not have set work this does not mean your child has no homework. Students may be given work to do at home that is unfinished class work or a task, which will build on work undertaken at school. Homework will always be work your child can do with little or no assistance from you, however your support and encouragement is appreciated. The school encourages children to discuss at home what they are doing at school. It gives special validation to their efforts when parents and other family members are interested.


Information being reviewed / coming soon.

Internet authorisation is given on enrolment and is kept on file throughout your child’s time at BSPS.

Internet policy authorisation form


The school has a Junior School Council. Students from each learning area are elected to become J.S.C. representatives. The J.S.C. meets regularly with a designated staff member. Junior School Councillors are responsible for ensuring that a verbal report is given to each learning area. The representatives are responsible for bringing issues raised in class to J.S.C. Minutes are also tabled at School Council, and sent to the appropriate School Council subcommittee as required. J.S.C. representatives also attend Special Combined School Council Meeting.


Clothing, bags and other items, which are found around the school, are placed in a lost property basket located in the junior school, the main building and OSHC. At the end of each term, any un-named and unclaimed lost property is given to charity.

Lunch Orders are available from Wednesday to Friday. The school currently uses a nearby catering company – D1UNO, to provide Lunch Orders. D1UNO offers a wide variety of food options – see D1UNO Lunch Order Menu.

How to place a Lunch Order

  • Download QKR app.
  • Register your children
  • Choose your lunch from the D1UNO Lunch Order Menu
  • Process your order before 8:30am
  • Collect your D1UNO Lunch from the office at lunchtime.

Note: tuna sushi rolls are only available on Friday.


Brunswick South Primary School Medical Management Plan is currently being reviewed. It will be available for download shortly.

Medication Authority Form is available for download here Brunswick Souths medication authority form


For information on our OSHC program please click here.



Parent Payment Letter 2023


Parental Occupation Group Codes


Authorisation is given on enrolment and kept on file throughout your child time at BSPS.

Photographing, filming & recording of students Policy

A-Z index



We have supervised crossings for everyone’s safety in Park Street and in Brunswick Road. Children MUST cross the road at these crossings. Please ensure that your child is aware of this and knows to follow the supervisors’ instructions. You can help to establish this important safety behaviour by using the crossings yourself.

The school is involved in a ‘Safe Routes to School’ Program and Road Safety is included in our school curriculum. We are also the media school for Bicycles Victoria and have regular Ride 2 School days. Bikes and scooters need to be locked in the school bike shed during school hours.

8:30am – 4:30pm

Brunswick South Primary School Strategic Plan


Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy


All visitors must report to the office and sign in via the Compass Kiosk. If you are collecting a child during school hours, please enter this on the compass kiosk at the office.  If someone other than a parent is collecting your child, please contact us to give authorisation.

There are many other ways you can be involved in your child’s schooling. These include: School Council, Council subcommittees, participating in Working Bees, attending school functions, volunteering assistance in the kitchen garden and participating in fundraising activities. In addition, there are also activities where individual parental assistance and participation is needed and appreciated in the daily life of the school.
Some areas where parents can volunteer with classroom activities are:

  • Literacy and Numeracy
  • Physical Education
  • Special year level activities
  • Science
  • Visual Art and Performing Art

If you would like any further information or feel you have some special skills to share, please contact one of the teachers or Parent Class Carer. We would love to hear from you.

Volunteer Worker OH&S Induction Handbook